Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today's photos

Here I am after church.

And here's my brother. But I think we forgot to take individual photos of anybody else.

So here are my girls.

And here are me and the boys.

And here are all of us.

Happy Resurrection Day!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday music

Here is how we typically start our school day. The words of this one are good for today. O, The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus!

Here is a song we did last Sunday for our congregation. Unfortunately, it got cut in the middle. (And the sound quality is horrible.) You can see the beginning on the first video and the end in the second. The middle, where Boy One sings, didn't tape. :(

It has great words!

Your blood has washed away my sin. Jesus, thank You!
The Father's wrath--completely satisfied. Jesus, thank You!
Once Your enemy--now seated at your table. Jesus, thank You!