Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If Girl Two Could Type

My biggest brother is our hero.

This wasn't the most exciting supper I've ever had.

I wonder if my sister used a bit too much hair gel.

My brother the fashion statement.

That mean old wind un-decorated our house.

When I grow up, I want my cooking to taste like my mama's--but not look like it.

I'm adorable, if I do say so myself.


KeepItSimple said...

Oh my!!! What a bunch of cuties!!!

Jacob says Boy 1 needs a haircut *smile*! the way, you've been tagged!

There is a season...

...and I still have something for your little - I just have to figure out a way to do it. By the time it gets done, he may be grown and can be used for your grandbabies *smile*.

Hugs -

A Higher Calling said...

Whew!!! I'm glad to see that my boys aren't the only ones who sneak out of the house wear cowboy boots with shorts ;o)

Love, Dana

KeepItSimple said...

Every morning David goes out to feed and water the chickens and to collect their eggs with his undies, a jacket zipped up, and either his cowboy boots or rubber boots.

I will DEFINITELY miss those babies are growing up too fast!!!

Hugs -