Friday, May 23, 2008

What to do for breakfast when hubby takes off work.

1. Send him out to pick up a new waffle maker.

2. Grind the wheat, beat the egg whites, etc.

3. Sip coffee on porch while waiting for hubby to return. Think how cool it is that you planted the lettuce and tomatoes only four feet from the front door this year.

4. Greet hubby thankfully when he arrives.

5. Wait eagerly for the beep telling you it's done.

6. Be sure to use real Ohio maple syrup from your friends' farm. Enjoy.


KeepItSimple said...

What a guy!!! Now you have me in the mood for waffles!!! We have an ancient waffle iron - but it works!

Troy LOVES maple syrup, but I prefer lemon syrup. Can you get grade B maple syrup out that way?

Hugs to you - hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Safe Thus Far said...

I don't know if I've ever heard of lemon syrup, but it sounds good. Today, we had strawberries and whipped cream on our waffles. Mmmmm.