Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Waiting for Baby

Grandma J has been here, available to help out in case the baby comes before my folks get back from their trip. We've been having all kinds of fun.

Here she is with her new little doggy Willie when we were all on a walk. She likes to climb trees, but doesn't climb too high any more.

Boy Two with Willie on our porch.

Here is Boy Three getting his medallion at the T-ball picnic.

Here are Boy Three and Girl Two practicing operating a baby swing for when the baby comes.

Here is Boy Two after his baseball tournament ends with a blue ribbon.


Bonnie said...

Oh, my, you are indeed waiting for baby! God bless you as you wait out these last few days. Looks like the family is ready! I love being called on by my daughters to be there for them when baby days come -- so I imagine your Grandma is thrilled to be able to help, too.

And, by the way, thank you for the sweet comment on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking of you today and wondering if little Elias had made his debut yet :o). I can't wait to hear the news. I am praying that all goes well.

Blessings, Dana

Sallie said...

Congrats on your pregnancy!!! Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comments about my family :-) Yours looks great too!

God bless,

KeepItSimple said...

Hey Susan...

I tried calling you, but got no answer. I did leave a message though! I have been praying for you, little Elias, and the rest of the family all week!

I can't wait to hear the announcement!!!

Hugs to you -