Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Boy Four's Big Month

Whew! It's been a busy month for me and my body.

I learned to sit

and play rolly ball.

I learned to crawl

and eat.

I learned to stand my own self up,

and sometimes I even let go.

And I've also reached a few mental milestones, some good and some not so much.

For instance, I've learned to covet

and terrorize like King Kong.

I've observed how it must feel to not get your way,

and I've yearned for freedom.

I've witnessed the thrill of the game

and the agony of defeat.

But most of all, I've started working on spelling. And the way to spell LOVE is m-y- f-a-m-i-l-y!


Audrey said...

Excellent post Susan! Pure Joy!

KeepItSimple said...

When did he get so big?!?!?!?!?

What a precious boy!

Loved the pictures - and the captions...too cute!

Hugs -

KeepItSimple said...


You got an award! You got an award!

Head on over to my blog to pick it up!

Hugs -

The Dischers said...

What a cute post, Susan! You have a great family. The slideshow is really neat! Looks like your contest is going well. What a super giveaway!

God Bless!
Beth Discher