Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We're baaack!

We're back from our almost two-week-long Christmas trip. It's hard to just hit the ground running after such a busy season and long trip, so I'm rather behind on everything. Sorry it's taken so long to update the blog. But here we go with some of our favorite pictures from the trip.

Here we all are at S's house in Souderton, PA. S is like a grandma to me, as we lived for a few years on her farm.

And here she is with Boy Four. What a nice picture!

Next we went to visit Aunt P in her nursing home in Lansdale, PA. I don't even know what to say. She really didn't know what was going on around her. I hear that sometimes she has better days, though.

The staff pulled up extra chairs so we could sit with Aunt P at her Christmas party. It was kind of them to give out gifts and hot chocolate and ice cream.

Now here we are at the church my parents attend, right after the Christmas Eve service. It was an interesting service, with Girl Two wetting all over during a nap and then rolling off of the pew, and Boy Three catching his hair on fire during the candlelight part at the end. Other than that, it really was a lovely service!

Now it is Christmas Day, which is also my dad's birthday. Here he is, just starting to cut his cake. I love this picture because it shows what a happy couple my mom and dad are.

Here's the whole gang of us Christmas night--my parents in their Lancaster County home with all their children and grandchildren present.

All of the cousins in PA.

Grandma N reading to some of her grandchildren.

Now we have moved on to Knoxville, TN. Here's most of the gang at Grandma J's house. As you can see, we're having a happy time.

I snapped this while Cousin E was in a tickle war with her sister, Cousin A, all over the floor. I can't help but notice--man, that girl has some beautiful teeth!

Uncle J and Aunt L. This is their family's standard pose, which they even require their children to do. LOL

All the Peterson cousins.

Girl Two just adores her Cousin K. She was practically glued to her side.

And what holiday would be complete without whipping up a bit of sofa-cover clothing?

This one has even more flair.

And here we are back home. It was snowing few and far between, but the flakes were very large. See?

We thank the Lord for granting us safety and joy on our trip. It was so good to see those of you whom we did see. Thank you for everything!!! We hope we brought some cheer your way.


A Higher Calling said...

I love all the pics... I just wish you had one of that Christmas Eve service. I could not help but LOL (really!!!) when I read that - it sounds just like something that would happen to us - and I could just picture it. I assume that all is well or you would have had some ER pics to post too :o)

Love ya, Dana

Audrey said...

I will confess the LOL over the Christmas Eve service too! Audrey