Friday, April 25, 2008

Our first poll

UPDATE: Well, it was reported to me that the poll website didn't work most of the time. That's probably why only four people, rather than hundreds of you, voted. The results, basically, were that 75% think the government is probably even scarier than the cult, and 25% weren't sure which is scarier. Thanks to all who voted.

I figured out how to take a poll on here! The poll is about the current and very sad news story about all of the children from the polygamist compound. There is something very frightening about what is going on, and that's what the poll is about. I hope you'll vote. (It's in the right-hand column, in case you missed it.) I'm sure it's anonymous, so don't worry about that.

Stacy posted about this situation today over at Your Sacred Calling. Click here to read her thoughts.

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